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I have enjoyed taking the Intro to Entrepreneurship class. I have come to enjoy thinking about ideas and seeing if I could make the idea happen, or not. Some ideas may seem impossible to do or just crazy, but if you are really devoted and build a team that can help you make your idea into an actual business or product then you got it. You can do anything you set your mind too, with help from the Lord. Remember Him in all that you do, He cares about your success and wants you to succeed.
There are things in this life we cannot control. When we focus on the things we can't do or control, we lose focus what was right in front of us, what we can do. If you focus on things, you can do and once thing you can't control then you will be able to make that one thing you couldn’t control or do into something you can. Never lose sight for growth. You want to become stronger and accomplish anything you set your mind to.
You always need to remember to have a quiet place/ safe place where you can reflect and have time with you and the Lord. He is waiting for you to seek His guidance. He will want to help you if you put in the effort first and lead you on your path.
There are seven habits of highly effective people I want to share, the first one is to be proactive; meaning you choose how you respond to situations. Second, is begin with the end in mind; have a picture or goal that you want to reach. Third, put first things first; prioritizing. The fourth habit is to think win/win; to focus on results not methods. Fifth, seek first to understand, then to be understood; need to listen to people. Sixth, synergize; the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. The seventh habit is to sharpen the saw; meaning to balance your physical, social/emotional, mental, and spiritual life. As you incorporate all these habits in your life you will become a very effective person. I suggest a way to gaining all of them is by working on one at a time.
It really comes down to being an open-minded person and listening to guidance to help you be successful. You also need to believe in yourself first, then believe in others to make your ideas happen.
Word count: 409
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