Challenges in the fam and family trends
In today's world the view on the family has changed a lot. The rates of adults living alone, and being single have gone up. Birthrates and marriage rates have gone down. None marital births have gone up. Also, the rates of cohabitation have risen between sixty and eighty percent within a few years. That is more than half percent. Cohabitation is when a couple are living together before getting married due to different reasons. Couples may just want to live together to try it out before getting married or they had a baby and now are living together. Those who cohabitate then get married after are more likely to end in divorce than those who get married before living together. As cohabitation rates have risen, wedding rates have decreased.
Why are you being invited to fewer weddings? Fewer people are getting married. They have smaller weddings, so they don't invite a lot of people. People are getting married older, in their late twenty's to early thirty's. Also, U.S. rates of 6.9 compared to an average of 4.6 for countries in the European Union. People push off getting married because they can just live together and have children outside of marriage. Also, due to people not getting married, it's hurting wedding businesses, they are struggling because less weddings are happening. Weddings cost a lot of money as well, so about one in ten American couples spends more than $30,000 on their weddings. People invite less people because they are spending money on guest with the food and drinks.
I believe that couples should get married before living together. I understand why some people live together before, if they want to try it out before committing to living with them the rest of your live. But if you already made that big decision to move in together, why not just get married? To me, it would be comforting to know id my spouse and I were to have an argument we could choose to work through it out rather than having the fear of my partner being able to walk out on my. It would be so much nicer to have that security of knowing that my spouse won't try to walk away and that we can work through a fight we had. Also, when you get married you will learn a lot about one another and you will have to workout your differences but I think that's another way to strengthen your marriage. Just by growing and learning with each other.
The contribution of the family, achievement of development goals continues to be largely overlooked. The family is key to overcoming many of the worlds problems. Do better when it comes to health, wealth, and education when kids are part of a strong, stable family. Kids do better when they have both a mother and a father in the home. Kids need the attention, time, and resources. Having a mother and a father in the home lowers levels of stress, and resources stability, stronger families make healthier children. Also, good fathers provide guidance, affection, and attention. Another thing that has changed in the family is same sex marriage. How does it affect the children? The APA did a study that children are fine, and are the same in both marriages. I believe that marriage is between a man and a women. But I mean if there isn't any effects on the kids that have parents of the same sex, and the kids have their own agency, then I think it's fine. But I mean I think that the kids need to learn from a father and a mother. Because mothers and fathers play different roles in the family and in teaching their children. Like for instance fathers tend to teach their child to be touch and smart, the mom teaches their child different attributes.
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