
Showing posts from October, 2020

More about dating

        Dating is a fun thing in life. I have gone on a lot of dates already in my life, especially coming to Idaho for college. I have gone on different types of dates, but most of the time they are very similar. We either go get food, then watch a movie, or go play some game. I personal do not like watching a movie for a first date, because we are watching a movie, and not talking and not getting to know each other. That is the whole point on going on a date, getting to know people and seeing what they are like. We see what we like and don't like about them. I have gone on some weird dates, like one time, my date barley talked to me and I tried talking to him. I also think that it is okay for people to go on a lot of dates and see what different people are like, trying them out and seeing what you like for a future spouse. I am still in the dating stage of life, going out and meeting new people. It's fun, but every time I go on a first date I always get nervou...


        Dating today is way different than it was 30 years ago. Today people aren't going on that many dates, they are hanging out with people but not dating. When my dad was growing up he would ask a lot of girls out and take them on dates because that was the thing back then. Now days people just ask people if they want to hang out instead of going on a date because I think that people are scared of rejection, or just afraid to ask, and trust. I think that hanging out is fine when you are trying to get to know each other, then if you are interested then why not just go on dates instead of hanging out.      When dating the dates should be planned, paid for, and paired off, so the men should  protect, provide, and preside while on the date. I think that the men should do these things on a date, to show that they are a gentleman, care, and actually want to be there. The more dates you go on, you can know what you like about guys and different ...


      Gender is a sensitive topic to talk and write about now days. I am just going to share some of my  beliefs that I have on gender, and I don't want to offend anyone because I am a loving, caring, and open person.      There are social norms in todays  society, which include the way genders act. For example, females are more thought of to be more nurturing, more mature, aware of more things, and communicative. Whereas males are more protective, myopic, and spatial. These attributes are the norms of these genders, and in a marriage it is good to have different attributes and roles. In society these norms are telling people how each gender should act, but it is okay for men to be nurturing and soft, and it is okay for a women to be a provider and to work, and to be protective. In my own family, my dad is the provider and protector and my mom is nurturing, and cleans and cooks. My family is following the norm of society. But I...


            What is family culture? Family culture is family traditions, values, and rules that govern a  family's life and routine . In my own family, each year on  Christmas   Eve  we all sleep in the same hallway and put a  curtain  at the end of the hall. Then the next morning we wake up and wait for  everyone,  then we are able to go out of the hall to see all the presents. Another family  tradition is that every summer we go up to shaver lake for one week for our family camp reunion. It is my favorite family tradition. It is so much fun. We go boating and hangout and play board games and play frisbee golf and just talk. My dad is always teaching us to work hard and don't complain. When I was growing up, we would have to wake up super early and do our chores before hanging out with friends, or something like that. We would have to split wood an...

Family Theories

          What is a theory? A theory is an attempt to explain an observation or something. There are different types of theories, Exchange theory, Conflict Theory, Symbolic Interaction Theory, and Family Systems Theory. Exchange Theory is when not getting much out of the relationship... you put more into it then you get out of it. Conflict Theory is limited supply, for example, making  decisions, bills, who's house do we go to the first Christmas too. Do we discipline our kids? It's not bad, it natural, it helps give you more perspective on things. Symbolic Interaction Theory are human relationships, people saying "hi", how you interpret things, people's behavior. Family Systems Theory is more of a model... the rules and roles in the family. How we learn the rules are sometimes by breaking them.        Each family is different in how they do things. Some have rules and unspoken rules. In my own family one of...