
Showing posts from November, 2020

Fatherhood and parenthood

The structure of a family is really important.  Fathers are a very important part in the family. They are the providers and protectors. They teach people how to work hard. Fathers keep a structure in the home.  My father is a great example of what a father is supposed to do and be. He has a well paying career and provides for our family. He also taught me how to work, I always had chores to do and I had to wake up super early to get them done. He also taught me to be strong in the church and have a strong testimony. He is an example for me to look up too. He shows me to be driven and hard working. He is a really hard worker and has taught me and my siblings to be hard working as well. He also keeps our home safe and makes sure there is no danger that could harm my family.  Parenthood is a very hard thing to do. You and your companion in life, are in charge of your children and responsible for them and what they learn. I think that parents should teach their kids to work. ...


       Communication is key to telling people how you feel. Communication is how you talk to people and that is how people know how you feel. Though your tone of voice you use it is thirty-five percent that helps, the words you use is fourteen percent, and nonverbal is fifty one percent useful to understand how someone communicates with you.      There are five secrets of effective communication (EAR). First is the E, which is for empathy which involves the Disarming  Technique- find some truth in what the other person is saying even if it seems totally unreasonable or unfair. Empathy is when you put yourself in the other person's shoes and try to see the world through his or her eyes. There are two types of empathy. Thought Empathy, is when you paraphrase the other person's words. Feeling Empathy is acknowledging how the other person is probably feeling, based on what she or he said. The next thing is Inquiry, so this is when you ask gentle, prob...

Stress in relationships

     Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension. It can be caused by so many different circumstances.  It can come from any event or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry, or nervous.  Stress  is your body's reaction to a challenge or demand. St ress  can be a positive thing, such as when it helps you avoid danger or meet a deadline. Everybody has been stressed in their lives. I have been stressed about school and test and meeting new people and even more that I can't think of.        I hate being stressed out and being nervous and not knowing what's going to happen. But when I am stressed with homework and due dates and times, it helps me get my work done and try to do well on it. But I think having too much stress will either make you have no motivation to do what you need to and just let the stress take you and not cope with it.       When in a  relationship there...


   Hey guys! So, this week I am going to talk about marriage! So, first off I believe that a marriage is between a man and a woman, because that is ordained of God. I want to follow God's council. I think that marriage is a great way to really get to know yourself and to really get to know your partner. You literally are spending your whole life with your spouse, so you want it to work and be in love with each other.     I have a lot of people in my family that are happily married. They all started out dating various people then went to exclusively dating, then they got engaged then married. I think that it is important to date various people before getting married. Also, I think that before getting married it is very important to be on the same page as the person, like on things like how many kids are you going to have or where are you going to life, or just important things that you need to figure out before living together and becoming one and united. My sibl...