Stress in relationships
Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension. It can be caused by so many different circumstances. It can come from any event or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry, or nervous. Stress is your body's reaction to a challenge or demand. Stress can be a positive thing, such as when it helps you avoid danger or meet a deadline. Everybody has been stressed in their lives. I have been stressed about school and test and meeting new people and even more that I can't think of.
I hate being stressed out and being nervous and not knowing what's going to happen. But when I am stressed with homework and due dates and times, it helps me get my work done and try to do well on it. But I think having too much stress will either make you have no motivation to do what you need to and just let the stress take you and not cope with it.
When in a relationship there is stress that comes with it. People have stress for all types of reasons in a relationship. It could be a toxic and abusive relationship or a healthy relationship but have personal problems that puts stress on the relationship. When in a relationship, you are doing things as one basically and sharing things and you tell each other everything. One thing that stresses couples is the fact of money. The income, how much you can spend and save.
Stress is distress. pain goes into having compassion towards that person. when you are in pain and talk to your loved one and talk through it, you become closer and work through it and love each other more. Pain plus blame equals distance. when you are hurt and blame that person then you don't work through it and become closer, you become distant and start pushing them out and not wanting them in your life because you blamed them and didn't talk through it and became distant with each other. When troubles come it usually has a good out come. You become stronger and closer with each other. Having stress in a relationship really puts trust on the line, it will build your trust with each other and have less stress towards each other. Going through trials and when times get hard then getting through it you will become stronger. I have been through some hard times before and I am the one that lets things pile up and up and then once it is too much then I explode. So when I go through stuff I try not to bottle it up and be able to talk to someone and trust that person and I need to let it go and move on. Stress is a hard thing to know how to deal with it, and overcome it and make it into a positive thing and not a negative. But I know that when going through trails in a relationship, if you lean on each other and trust each other and believe in each other then the out come of the trial won't be so bad and it will be good and your relationship will be stronger. People have these expectations in relationships that you won't go through hard things together and have stress in the relationship, and in reality you do and that is when you need to put your trust in each other and over come them and build your relationship. I think that hard things happen to good people to make them even better people and make them stronger.
Actual Event
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