Balance and money and happiness
This weeks readings and videos were interesting to learn about. I enjoyed Team 8s presentation this week on money is not happiness, but it is helpful in this life and that it makes this life more comfortable. To be able to pay for food and clothes and bills and whatever you need in this life. But we need to make sure that we are not becoming money lovers and that we are willing to share our money with those who may need money.
That is all about tithing, everything we have in this life is the Lord's. He has just blessed us with the things we have in our lives, the money we have. It is His in the first place, so we need to be willing to pay Him ten percent back of what we make because we love Him and appreciate Him.
Also, learning about balancing our lives with work. It is hard to get caught up in trying to make a lot of money, or just always working. But it is not healthy to do that. We all need to have balance in our lives. For me, I need to balance my schooling, my gym time, my phone time, and having a social life.
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